Friday, April 13, 2007

Support Your Local Gunfighter

Santa Barbara County’s De Facto Concealed-Carry Ban

"Twenty years ago, I might have understood how Sheriff Brown could state, “I am a life member of the NRA, a hunter, and a gun collector, and we have enough laws, without creating new ones” and yet prohibit concealed carry. But many years of data from states that have allowed widespread concealed carry show a reduction of crime, and show that concealed-carry holders are overwhelmingly law-abiding and safe — safer in fact than the police. According to a 1992 letter from John B. Russell Jr., of the Virginia Attorney General’s Office, only 2 percent of shootings by civilians, as opposed to 11 percent of shootings by police, involved an innocent person mistakenly thought to be a criminal."

The 4 million concealed license holders are charged with, and convicted of, far less felonies than the 4 million members of law enforcement. The 4 million concealed license holders commit fewer crimes of ALL sorts than the 4 million members of law enforcement, up to and including accidental shootings and even suicide.

ANY member of the constabulary who withholds the right of a civilian to keep and bear arms does so knowing full well that said civilian is better qualified to do so and far less of a threat to society than a member of law enforcement, and perhaps...just perhaps now...that's the reason an awful lot of Sheriffs don't like nor want the competition.

Thanks to The War On Guns

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