Thursday, April 05, 2007

Unusual Allies Indeed...Over Texas Drivers' Gun Rights

(Keith Patton lost his .357 Magnum in a traffic stop. He has another gun, but no clear answer to whether Texas drivers can lawfully carry handguns.)

Mr. Patton, 51, an oil-field geologist, software tester and martial arts instructor from suburban Katy, told the police about the gun, which he said he had bought hours before from a co-worker for target shooting. Moments later, he was handcuffed and on his way to jail, facing a charge of unlicensed carrying of a weapon.

The arrest might have been routine elsewhere, but this is Texas, where a code rooted in the days of the highwayman recognizes the right of travelers to be armed, and the Legislature has repeatedly endorsed that principle.

Defiant police officers and prosecutors, however, saying they retain law enforcement discretion, have continued arresting and bringing cases against motorists like Mr. Patton found with unlicensed handguns...

In a report issued in February, the Texas affiliate of the National Rifle Association joined the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas and the Texas Criminal Justice Coalition “to spotlight unlawful, unnecessary governmental encroachment on average law-abiding citizens.”

"And what should be done with "defiant" servants?

This is chilling:
The presumption of innocence does not make the person innocent.
Uh, yeah it does, Mr. Rosenthal, legally, anyway, which is what you're supposed to concern yourself with. The burden of proof of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt rests with you.

This looks like calculated harassment, dragging gun owners into court, intimidating them with threats and mounting legal costs into a surrender, and ceding to the judiciary the undelegated power to become a de facto government travel authorization agency, as this Tim Curry creature would submit his countrymen to.

It's nice to see the ACLU come around at least in this small way, especially considering the organization's traditional subversion of RKBA. It's also nice to be able to spotlight a positive action from NRA that deserves our support."

There IS no clear answer considering a Texan and his right to keep and bear arms in a vehicle. Thats because rogue municipalities have taken it upon themselves to create their own defacto laws, and this is in large part due to the quivering, spineless, jellyfish, disguised as law enforcement.

Not only are they without a vestige of courage or honor, but have placed themselves atop the pecking order as Lords over their subjects while a gleeful prosecutor's officer gets to pad one resume after another with the reputations of what once were otherwise law abiding citizens.

Disgraceful cretins.

Texas is long overdue for an overhaul.

Thanks to The War on Guns.

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