Thursday, April 05, 2007

A Call To Arms

I've never been into gunsmithing. Oh sure, I can toss in a spring here and there, and Glocks have spoiled me to tears because I don't consider detail stripping and replacing everything inside of one to be gunsmithing.

Someone wants to practically give me an nice old Mossberg but I have no use for a 28" barrel. I've been wanting to fiddle with another shotgun and this would be the perfect deal to personalize without fear of wrecking an expensive piece, but, sad to say, I've never cut back a barrel. I make casual reference of this to Crazy Jay and he says things like "measure twice cut once", and wow but that's really sound advice but do I just take a frickin hacksaw to the thing or what.

Duracoat has some mean-ass color schemes and I've visions of re-stocking the thing and making it a wild coyote brown or something like that, but not with so long a tube. I'd almost forgotten the idea until someone sent me an email I commented upon, and now the fever is back with a vengeance.

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