Monday, April 02, 2007

US 'has to act' on climate report

Guy Verhofstadt. Image: AFP/Getty
"Unpopular measures are unavoidable"
Guy Verhofstadt

Alas poor Yorick, I knew him well, Horatio.

Badges? We Don't need no stinkin' badges.

You lookin at me?

I made him he offer he can't refuse.

Follow the yellowbrick road?

Funny? Funny how? I'm a clown? I amuse you? Tell me how I'm so fuckin' funny.

There. An American acted. Satisfied? So now you can deep six those "unpopular measures", and crawl back under that rock you've been living under. We are not, you see, lowering our standard of living and ruining our economy just so Eurabia can play catch up. You had all the time in the world while we killed those bad Germans and Japanese, then dismantled the Soviet Union. We helped you recover at the expense of our own blood and dollars, and you responded with 20 hour work weeks and 3 months paid vacation.

Enough is enough. If living so sheltered an existence while we kept the wolves from your door didn't work, then nothing will. I understand how impossible it is to go toe to toe with America when the playing field is an even one, but that's life. Now go read your Koran like a nice little Eurabian and leave us the hell alone.

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Speak yer peace, fella's