Wednesday, April 04, 2007

We Get Letters

"Why does everywhere I look for guns show shotguns barrels that look to be cutback and so short...and wheres the value in a pistol-grip?"

First off, short barreled shotguns look cool. They also ARE easier to maneuver in small spaces. The pistol-grip aftermarket accessories seen on so many Mossberg's and Remington's do give you something to hold onto, but I've always been a grip & stock sort of guy myself. A lot of that has to do with the fact that the shotgun loads in this house are nukes, and I have a hard enough time getting in follow-up shots, let alone Lisa, so something to rest into one's shoulder is preferred.

Back to the shorter barrels, besides easier to get on target they're harder to snatch away were the hobgoblin to be too close for comfort. But like I tell anyone who asks the dreaded, "What if someone simply takes the gun away from you?", Well, if its that easy I'll just take it back.

I've nothing against 20-24 inch barrels for home defense, but sort of draw the line at the 28" variations. Practice the ever loving hell out of racking the gun and getting it to the ready if you don't keep one in the pipe, but never ever believe that the mere sound of a shotgun being prepared for action will scare anyone away. What it WILL do each and every time, is alert an intruder to your position, and that is a no-no.

If on a tight budget, go to Walmart, meander into the Sporting Goods area, and ask to see a Maverick 88. A no-nonsense Maverick will get you where you want to be, can be refitted with pretty much anything a Mossberg can, and will run about $170 out the door. Fuss with it or keep it as a truck or bedroom gun, Mavs are great places to start. The Mossbergs are about $50 more, but whatever you do at least bring the thing to shoulder to better determine which is more suitable. For the really budget-challenged there's always the ubiquitous pawn shop, and reputable ones don't sell garbage.

Failing all of the above, twin-50's will clear a room reasonably well.

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