Monday, October 29, 2007

Romney Says America Doesn't Need An Intern As President...

"...And I think the greatest drawback beyond the direction she’d take us is that she’s never run anything. She’s never had the occasion of being in the private sector, running a business, or, for that matter, running a state or a city. She hasn’t run anything, and the government of the United States is not a place for a president to be an intern. You need to have experience actually leading and running things."

Mitt Romney on Hillary Rodhams "qualifications"

Yeah. I hear ya, Mitt. Clinton's and interns are a touchy subject. Then again, I doubt we'd be hearing of Hillary cigar'ing some babe in the Oval Office.

Not that I believe she's straight; whats hard to imagine is any woman letting her get that close without having been paid for it first.

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