Sunday, June 05, 2011

Pediatricians Threaten To Sue Florida Over Guns In The Home

American Academy Of Pediatrics:

The most effective way to prevent firearm-related injury to children is to keep guns out of homes and communities.  The American Academy of Pediatrics strongly supports gun-control legislation.  We believe that handguns, deadly air guns, and assault weapons should be banned.

Until handguns are banned, we recommend that handguns and handgun ammunition be regulated, that restrictions be placed on handgun ownership, and that the number of privately owned handguns be reduced.  Firearms should be removed from the environments where children live and play, but if they are not, they must be stored locked and unloaded.  Loaded firearms and unloaded firearms and ammunition represent a serious danger to children."


The best way to keep your children safe from injury or death from guns is to NEVER have a gun in the home.
  *  Do not purchase a gun, especially a handgun.
  *  Remove all guns present in the home.

The above is what the AAP is pushing, and in some instances they are pushing quite hard at it. Disregard their advice at your peril, as HMO's are backing the AAP to the hilt and pressuring parents to do as they are told.

On June 2, Florida Governor Scott signed HB 155, assuring firearms owners the right to privacy, in essence allowing them to toss this trash in the trash without filling out any forms detailing their ownership of firearms.

Pediatricians now say they will file suit in order to coerce Floridians into making homes with children gun-free.

Bring it.

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