Monday, November 14, 2005

Stop The ACLU » Blog Archive » Alito: Abortion is Not a Right

I don't know how they do it...stay atop virtually every breaking story that is of interest especially to we conservatives, but Stop The ACLU is far more than a watchdog of that communist organization and they have a keen ear to the ground.

"Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr., President Bush’s Supreme Court nominee, wrote that “the Constitution does not protect a right to an abortion” in a 1985 document obtained by The Washington Times.“I personally believe very strongly” in this legal position, Mr. Alito wrote on his application to become deputy assistant to Attorney General Edwin I. Meese III.The document, which is likely to inflame liberals who oppose Judge Alito’s nomination to the Supreme Court, is among many that the White House will release today from the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.In direct, unambiguous language, the young career lawyer who served as assistant to Solicitor General Rex E. Lee, demonstrated his conservative bona fides as he sought to become a political appointee in the Reagan administration.“I am and always have been a conservative,” he wrote in an attachment to the noncareer appointment form that he sent to the Presidential Personnel Office. “I am a lifelong registered Republican.”

Now comes the liberal rage and the apologists will try and deflect it all, but as the article mentions, no one had to apologize for Joannie Ginsberg.

Different standards when one is a conservative. Double standards, and if the left could only take a good, unbiased look at themselves, the extremists would see bigotry and hatred and most of the very things they CLAIM to fight against.

Anyhoot, read the entire tale of manufactured woe. Sam Alito is conservative. Stop the frickin' presses.

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