Monday, November 14, 2005

The TIMES Calls Out The Dogs...

Now, we feature the NY Times in our links because one should know one's enemy, and here's an editorial that shows the newspapers incredible bias as much as anything can.

The Democrats and Judge Alito - New York Times

First off the bat, notice it's The Democrats, and not the Liberals. Let's continue:

"The Alito nomination is a defining moment for the country, and for the Democratic Party. Given the sharp divisions on the court, the next justice could decide the scope of reproductive freedom, civil rights and civil liberties, and environmental and workplace protections that Americans will live with for years. Although many questions remain to be answered, there is reason to believe that Judge Alito could do significant damage to values Democrats have long stood for."

So then, all Democrats are on the same page? There is no line of demarcation, no moderate Democrat, no Liberal Democrat? More...

"Conservative Republicans demonstrated that they have a clear idea of what they want for the Supreme Court. They proved that once again with their insurrection against Harriet Miers. Now Democratic senators have to show their supporters that they are no less willing to fight for their vision."

Ah, here it is. "Conservative" Republicans. Good to see that the Times doesn't miss a beat in labelling Republicans, so what's wrong with calling a Liberal Democrat...a Liberal Democrat? The entire Democratic Party is then united against Conservative Republicans? How's about the Moderate Republicans? Are there any, or is the right similar to the left in being of one voice and ALL Conservative?

And check out the weepy, "Judge Alito could do significant damage to values Democrats have long stood for." Was the Times as watchdoggy when Joannie Ginsberg was nominated? Were they all a-worry over the COUNTRY's values, the values of a significant percentage of the COUNTRY as a whole when Ginsberg sailed through?

Of course not. The above editorial is a wake-up call for any Liberal Democrat to go at Alito often and hard. Because it's all about "values" and "integrity".

Remember a time when folks would be far too embarassed to publish such an editorial? When saying that the killing of millions of babies is a "value". When sodomy and handouts were understandably something NOT valued?

Does it surprise me that they have no such shame? No. Does it task me to know that people feel this way? Yes.

Samuel Alito will be confirmed, and handily at that. He'll make a mockery of Biden and Kennedy and Feinstein's understanding of the Constitution and all watching will try not to laugh as the chowderbrains fumble the attack.

Hunting Lesson #1: Always bring enough gun. And in a battle of wits the Dems are totally unarmed.

They can't beat ANYONE in a fair fight so they rely on standard bearers such as the NY TIMES to help nudge the fence-sitters to their side of the aisle.

Won't matter. Not when the best the TIMES itself can do is trudge out the same story over and over without a hint of fairness, integrity, common sense, or respect.

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