Monday, November 14, 2005

Sydney Nuclear Reactor Was On The Menu...

Sydney nuclear reactor terror plot target - Yahoo! News

SYDNEY (Reuters) - "Eight Sydney men arrested on terrorism charges may have been planning a bomb attack against the city's nuclear reactor, police said on Monday.
Their Islamic spiritual leader, also charged with terrorism offences, told the men if they wanted to die for jihad they should inflict "maximum damage," according to a 21-page police court document.

The document outlines how the men, arrested last week in the nation's biggest security swoop, bought chemicals used in the London July 7 bombs, had bomb-making instructions in Arabic and videos entitled "Sheikh Osama's Training Course" and "Are you ready to die?"

Now, they MAY have been that stupid to believe they could have done any real damage to the reactor in the suburbs of Sydney, but it sounds like a red herring to me. Then again, most everything these meatbombs for allah do makes little or no sense so why would I think this to be any different?

Gotta BE crazy to think like them and that's what gives me pause. Getting past all of that security then having enough men and bombs remaining to inflict genuine damage...we're talking hundreds of men to do it right but perhaps just the THOUGHT that one of the main gates was breached would have been enough of a victory.

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