Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Dell Dealing With Google...

To be found everywhere on the net is this gem: Google is in talks to pay $1 billion over three years to have its software installed on Dell computers before they are shipped to users.

HP is thinking along the same lines, and don't these idiots know that they will then face the wrath of Pajamas Media? You know, the one's who began the war against Google because of their very own China syndrome. Chuckie and the bride of Chuckie. One of them is camera shy and the other wears a fedora.

Still doesn't ring a bell? Okay, the ones who screamed to high heavens over the evil Chinese influencing the equally evil Google. Then dropped the protest like a hot potato when someone clued them in to the fact that dissing the Yellow Peril means PJ boys soon go out of business.


  1. I betcha Microsoft will have a fit if Google gets this deal.

  2. Gates is probably already preparing the lawsuits.


Speak yer peace, fella's