Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Koffing Anus is so very upset about the Joos offing Paleswine killers that at times he simply MUST protest:

UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan cautioned Israel early Wednesday over its policy of targeted killings of suspected terrorists."The Secretary-General has noted with concern that in recent days Israel has conducted several targeted killings in the West Bank and Gaza strip," Annan's office said in a statement. "While recognizing Israel's right to defend its citizens, targeted killings place innocent bystanders at grave risk and amount to executions without trial."Annan added that he views "with concern the repeated rocket attacks against Israel emanating from the Gaza Strip" and urges Israel and the Palestinians "to refrain from actions that could lead to an escalation of violence."

So fighting back is escalating violence? Damn, hoss, but I sure HOPE the fuck so. Not a peep out of this sand flea fellator when one islamic rat or another blows a bus load of Jewish schoolchildren to kingdom come, but let the Israeli's return fire and he becomes so perturbed he can't come in some little boy's ass for a week I betcha.

Although I will admit that sometimes it irks me to see a perfectly good Paleosimian turned to pink mist when he could be trained to do something useful like scrubbing the bottom of nuclear power plant reactor tanks, or giving sponge baths to lepers. Pretty much anything that is distasteful to civilized beings and/or dangerous. Maybe we could convince the Jews to try and save some of them for stuff like that.

And it's not like we wouldn't have anything to trade with. We could send them the folks who invade our country and it'd be one cool ass cultural exchange deal. Well, exchanging two peoples without a culture is more like it, sure, but we could sweeten the pot at first with a two Mexicans for one Paleswine conversion rate. We'd come out ahead too, because in a couple generations there'd be few left in Israel who remembered when Mexican food was absolute, unadulterated swill, and we'd slowly but surely get our tastebuds back in order. And since the camel humpers don't have much besides various sand and animal feces recipes it's not like we'd be in danger of having the same thing happen as did with the beaners. Sure we'd have to keep the liberals away from them for a time because anything NOT made in the US is something they'd just love to pieces, but we'd ban Democratic ownership unless they promised to have them neutered and such. Like the ASPCA does when they give you a cat.


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