Friday, November 10, 2006

The Early Reviews Are In...Final Fantasy 12 Kicks Serious Ass OnThe Playstation 2

Forever a gaming nutcase. I had Pong. Then the early Sega and Nintendo offerings that were a nightmare to play.

Genesis came along promising much improved graphics and I went from hooked to seriously addicted. If there is anything that comes close to shooting, for me that anything is a role playing game. Forget the simple scorched earth of the action/adventure genre, I've got to have something involving a thought process as well.

Final Fantasy 12 hit the shelves a couple weeks back and the only time I see Lisa is when we are playing the thing together.

This game is like a 300-hour long movie that borrows the best from everything that Star Wars to Firefly has to offer. The characters are dubbed by seriously talented voice artists, and the graphics are simply amazing. I don't care for the camera angles but am adapting. We've reached level 55 or thereabouts, and I simply cannot WAIT for the cheat codes from Game Shark so I can savor the proccess without the worry of dying every other step. For combat veterans, this experience can be a harrowing one, so I cheat as much as possible. Just like in real life when it's on the line.

A 9.8 out of 10 on the Messenger Wow Factor. Were the camera not so jumpy I'd give it an 11.

But of course. When Playstation 3 becomes available we'll be first in line.

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