Friday, November 03, 2006

Saddam Was Close To Nukes...

It's all over the web and the yellowstream media. Soddamned Insane was mere months away from building his own nukes when President Bush let him have it with both barrels, but of course the liberal press is caterwauling that the release of documents proving this to be factual should NOT have been released at all, since it divulged too much classified information. This after screaming for years to SEE the documents and let the American people sort it all out.

Must have hit them like a bolt of lightning, the fact that one of the worlds most cruelest of dictators was on the verge of possessing the most destructive weapons known to man, but instead of praising Bush, they try to make a case that these old files contained something along the lines of instructions for creating a Philosopher's Stone, so they should have been kept hidden so that the liberal press could continue to complain about them being hidden.

I think.

These idiots are beyond understanding. Liberals fight for power and not righteousness, so sorting out such clueless behavior is daunting. They want your money, my money, and Uncle Earnie and Aunt Sadie's money, to give away to the minorities who vote for them.

Don't be a willing participant in the downfall of America. Fight these crooks every step of the way, and vote for the Conservative of your choice on November 8. No, the latest crop of Republicans aren't anything to write home about, but when heroes are hard to find it's sometimes best to live with the lesser of two evils until true patriots make it back into politics.

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