Thursday, November 02, 2006

We Get Agita

"Recommend me a good concealed holster?"


There. Lot's better. Okay, on to business. Concealed carry holsters come in two styles, and two styles only. LOOK HOW PRETTY THIS MAKES MY GUN LOOK, and, hide the gun by using the minimal amount of plastic, nylon, or animal hide as possible.

Holster makers get rich by catering to the first style. They hire big names to wear, use, then brag on the product. Gun magazines then do glossy feature stories about famous holster makers and the famous gunsters who use them, and this is all well and good for the economy. Capitalism at it's best means seperating those with too much disposable income from their disposable income, or people would just be buying what the NEED versus what they WANT. Even cranky old Henry Ford came to understand this, and if he could, anyone can.

Holster makers do not get rich by employing the minimalist approach to holster making. They will look you straight in the eye, and without flinching an inch ask how well your present rig is to RE-HOLSTER your weapon. Forget that it slides out just fine thank you, and tell us if you can re-holster with one hand. If the answer is no, then you NEED a holster that you can say yes to, because all smart warriors are aware of the irrefutable fact that if you cannot do something one-handed, then you are a walking dead man.

I'm certainly not speaking of play-shooting; where one goes to a range and runs through a course designed to test how well you run through a course. These events require an easy to re-holster, holster.

The real world does not.

You may very well join the ranks of the deceased if the gun does not draw well, but you will never set up residence on the brown side of the grass because your weapon does not undraw well. Yes, after the shooting stops you should notify the police, and the gun should NOT remain in your hand, but it shouldn't be in the rig, either. This upsets law enforcement to no end. Place it DOWN and AWAY from you. After, of course, you've determined that the threat to your health and dental record no longer exists.

In summary; Play-shooters need a holster that draws and undraws. If you happen to like such a setup, then by all means indulge yourself. Otherwise, find something that fits well, is easy on the beltline, and covers the trigger of whatever gun you are using. It's okay, REALLY okay to do this. No, you won't be able to lift your shirt and gather as many ooohhh's and aaahhh's by flashing a pretty purse...strike that...holster. You won't make men who drool over acres of shiny leather, wet their chin over a nylon holster with a clip. All you'll do is save a lot of money, but that ain't capitalism and what kind of American ARE you?

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