By Ken Hanson
"Another school year has started. Kids settle back into a structured routine, bus drivers renew early morning coffee friendships, young athletes take to sports fields and millions of parents once again rely on security arrangements that amount to rubbing a rabbit’s foot. It was an especially surreal experience for me, as I walked into the brand new school building on dedication day, past dozens of brand new “no guns” stickers, and noted that both my kids’ classrooms were right next to exit doors. Sadly, my first thought was to remember to tell my kids that if they hear gunfire, they are to run for the exit door rather than let the teacher lock them down as ready-made hostages."
So, so sad that we've come to this. NOTHING will ever stop a determined psychopath from doing the unthinkable such as harming a child, but modern liberal school systems have exacerbated the problem (when DON'T they simply make something far worse) and created survival-free zones for the crazed nutcase or islamic terrorist. But wait, I repeat myself. Not that there's all that much bang for the buck in taking over a school, but how long before our enemies tire at being thwarted at every turn and stoop to taking out targets of opportunity in order to promote their dirty cause. For now they seem content with plotting to create havoc at military institutions and lets not forget the grandaddy of all murderous intent, commandeering aircraft to use as guided missiles, but one should never underestimate the savagery of, well, savages.
Were I to have children, they'd receive the same advice.
Run. Move to daylight as fast as you can and never, ever, let someone herd you into a stall like a beast awaiting slaughter.
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