Sunday, November 11, 2007

Happy Veterans Day

I was going to start this by admitting the embarrassment of being "thanked" for doing nothing but the job I asked to do and offering how unnecessary it is but thats selfish. Everyone thanks everyone these days and for the slightest thing and I'm not speaking of being mannerly, the gentility afforded someone passing the salt, but of the kudos bestowed for doing anything vaguely passable. Self satisfaction for a job done as close to the best of ones ability was all the rage for the past several thousands of years, but no matter how much the most stoic of us may remonstrate to the contrary, as of late we've come to expect a certain degree of notoriety for walking and chewing gum without taking a header.

Where was I...ah yeah, trying not to sound like an old grouch; actions you see are far more preferable than words so if you can employ a qualified veteran then please do so. Try to take the time to understand how the proximity to grief and gore may have temporarily removed the place setting from in front of the seat the human race dines upon, but save that seat for decorums return. In other words, forget how he or she is acting now because it'll get better I promise. War can only be conducted by men who've let loose the beast but the vast majority of the time the leash remains intact, just somewhat longer. Reeling it back in is where they'll need the most help.

Happy Veterans Day to all you knuckleheads who thought wow, this is gonna be radical. Without you we'd be destitute and en yoked.

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