Saturday, November 03, 2007

Hillary Wants Drivers' Licenses for Illegals, Opposes Carry Licenses for American Citizens

New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton supports giving drivers' licenses to
illegal aliens,
but she opposes right-to-carry statutes that provide concealed carry licenses for
law-abiding American citizens
and others who are here legally,
the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

"Based on her comments during Tuesday night's debate," said CCRKBA
Chairman Alan Gottlieb,
"Sen. Clinton must think people in this country illegally are entitled to greater rights
than citizens
and others who are here legally. Maybe it's because she knows that illegal aliens
would vote for her,
while law-abiding American gun owners won't"

If the beaners made concealed carry a prerequisite for voting democrat,
you can bet the farm that

Hillary and ALL the rest would be reading the 2nd Amendment just as it
was written.

Not a one of them can win without catering to society's fringe nuts
and illegals.

Can't believe it?

Ask ANY of them, any of the ones participating in the latest
Dem debate if they consider themselves

to be liberals.

They can run, and years ago they could hide, too.

Not any more, baby.

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