Monday, November 05, 2007

More Illegal Beaners In The News:

Subtitled: Keep Up The Good Work, Sheriff Joe

"Human rights protestors lined the sidewalk in front of Pruitt's Furniture in Phoenix, chanting and holding signs saying things like "don't buy from racists".

Protestor Dorleen Kunkel says she's here to fight intimidation. Her anger is aimed at Sheriff Joe Arpaio. His deputies have been hired by Pruitt's to keep day labors away.

Kunkel says stepping over the border doesn't rate with committing real crimes, like robbery and murder - things she says the Sheriff's Department should be persuing.

The Sheriff says they will take care of business, if they violate any illegal immigration laws they're going to jail.

And that's exactly what happened Sautrday (sic). The head of the American Civil Liberties Union's legal division was arrested. Not for violating immigration laws, but for trespassing.

Deputies say they told him 6 times to leave the property, he refused to leave, so he was put in handcuffs. He has been booked into 4th Avenue jail."

Imagine all that. Break the law and go to jail.

How very '50's.

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