Monday, November 12, 2007

Not Just Against The Law...

But SUPER_DEE_DUPER Against The Law

Gotta love the Brits. Fact that something doesn't work for shit never seems to faze them.

"A British MEP is hoping to "fast track" a new EU deal on gun control and says last week's school massacre in Finland should act as a wake up call.

Last week, the BBC reported that police in Britain, faced with a flood of easily convertible replica guns, want changes to European laws.

Labour MEP Arlene McCarthy, who chairs a key committee, said a new deal could be in place by the end of the year.

The new directive would make it harder to buy guns across the EU..."

Nope. It will be harder for LAW ABIDING people to buy guns, but never, ever, in a million years, for criminals. You can even go look it up.

Criminals pay little attention to laws. Making a necessity more difficult to acquire, raises the price of said necessity, and the criminal element flourishes like never before.

The American Mafia was running two-bit whore houses and smalltime betting parlors until Prohibition.

By the time it was rescinded, they were rich beyond their wildest dreams.

Figures too that someone named Arlene would be pushing even more nanny state bullswaddle on all of those poor subjects. Might come a time when all of this "equality" may have to be re-examined.

Thanks to Call Me Ahab

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