Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The Only Ones Depressing The Hell Out Of Me Enough

With political folderol taking center stage of late I'm going to cease and desist commenting upon ONLY ONES for a time. The web is chockablock with news of one serious officer wrongdoing after another, but to tell the truth its a bit depressing to continually focus upon oath breakers, and since I'm still doing this gig in one-hand-typing mode it is time to be a tad more discerning. Not that it isn't important to hammer home the fact that the folks we hire to protect & defend commit more felonies than any other group of armed men and women, anywhere in the country fer heavens sake, but I need a break from both reading about and commenting upon one bad cop after another.

Something juicy comes along I'll jump right on it but not the average run of the mill hey guess what a cop stole today story.

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