Tuesday, November 06, 2007

While Awaiting The Supreme Court's Ruling On The Death Penalty...

We can face facts and hope they get on with it so we can start killing all those killers again.

The death penalty does one extremely important, incontrovertible, thing.

It prevents a murderer from ever murdering again. Murder drops by close to 40% once a state re-institutes capital punishment, and since most murderers kill more than one person, killing the murderer before he can kill again is a good thing. The numbers vary from killer to killer, but the conservative estimations offer that killing one killer can save up to 15 lives.

Since we've happened to kill about 17,000 killers a year over the past few years, that equals 255,000 people saved.

A year.

I won't get into the million or so baby's liberals have absolutely no compunction about killing every year, but trading 17,000 murderers for 255,000 innocent people seems like something even they would consider to be a good thing.

Lets just agree to agree that it would appear they hate baby's and really really love killers, black killers in particular.

Are these same blacks unfairly targeted for the death penalty?


Blacks commit about 54% of the murders, and account for about 38% of the executions. If anything, fewer blacks face the death penalty than non-blacks, and that is what should be addressed and not the ignominiously stupid liberal idea that killing killers is racist because so many blacks kill then need to be in turn killed for killing. I suppose we should stop killing them, and get on with the business of killing only whites for a while so as to make the numbers even more askew because liberals ARE dumb and need to be overwhelmed with proof before agreeing that reality holds sway over fantasy when it comes to serious stuff.

We could then return to executing the black killers and that would be easier to do than it is now, because liberals would have forgotten about capital punishment and by the time they got back to remembering, we'd be all caught up anyway.

And forget this nonsense the Jurassic Press wants you to buy into. States with fewer blacks have lower murder rates and therefore it doesn't matter all that much if they ban capital punishment because there are fewer killers around to begin with.

It has NOTHING to do with the national average, nor the average of the average National Leaguer either. The higher the concentration of those more conducive to murder, the...bear with me now...the higher the number of murders.

Violent crime is beginning to rise and that is because some states have been lax in catching and killing the killers, so this then would be a BAD time for the Supreme Court to call a halt to the one thing that has been proven to lower the death toll.

When all else fails, forget the deterrent stuff and just remember the STILL LIVING folks who remain on the green side of the grass because they hadn't gotten around to be killed because their potential killer was killed first.

Quarter million a year. IF we catch the murderers fast enough.

Then kill them.

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