Saturday, December 15, 2007

Liberals And Terror

by Jonah Goldberg

December 15, 2007 -- "ON Wednesday, I was in vited to the University of Massachusetts at Amherst to defend the War on Terror. The school is such a hotbed of liberalism, arguably the most PC university in the country (take that, University of Wisconsin!), that my police security detail included two armed bodyguards. Such is the confidence in free speech on campuses today.

Left-wing bloggers had tried and failed to foment an incident. But they did fill the room with students not easily inclined to agree with conservative arguments. So, to try to make it a constructive evening, I tried to appeal to them on their terms, rather than my own.

Fortunately, the news provided ample ammunition. Earlier this week, we learned that congressional leadership, Republicans and Democrats alike, had been informed in 2002 that the CIA had harshly interrogated high-value al Qaeda operatives, using, among other methods, waterboarding. One of the Democrats in the room: Nancy Pelosi, now the speaker of the House.

This is, shall we say, intriguing - since Pelosi and her party have been until recently reaching new heights of sanctimony on the issue of torture and waterboarding.

There "was no objecting, no hand-wringing," an official who was there told The Washington Post. "The attitude was, 'We don't care what you do to those guys as long as you get the information you need to protect the American people.'"

Not only did Pelosi not offer a peep of protest, the Post reports that at least two lawmakers (out of only a few present) pressed the administration about whether the methods were "tough enough" to get the job done. So Either Pelosi asked the question herself, or she sat quietly while one of her colleagues inquired whether the screws were being turned tightly enough."

Liberals are professional victims. Cowards who use violence at every turn. The fact that harmless little Jonah Goldberg needed more genuine security than Iranian President Ahmadimeadozen speaks volumes. Each and EVERY Conservative voice is made to feel intimidated at most modern college campuses (campi?) because cowards haven't the slightest clue as to what free speech is all about, and are so very fearful that their little world will be challenged.

Liberal politicians in charge WOULD react the same way the Bush administration did. Then they'd let their guard down as soon as the smoke cleared because lets face it; all of the money spent on protecting the country is better served as handouts in order to buy votes.

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