Saturday, February 09, 2008

The Difference Is Only Skin Deep

by Jonah Goldberg

"Obama is "the one" (in Oprah's words) not because of his policies but because his is a transcendent, unifying, super-nifty-cool personality. Clinton, meanwhile, is staying aloft largely through her ability to guilt-trip female liberals into sticking with her.

Her cultivated weepiness and dour lamentations on how she's been so picked on can make it seem like she's setting up a political version of one of those "how does a Jewish mother change a lightbulb?" jokes. Answer: "It's all right; I'll just sit in the dark."

Recall how her crying jag in New Hampshire, which apparently turned things around for her, was all about how important it is to her to be president. Message: Go ahead and vote for Obama; I'll just sit here in the dark. Indeed, I've lost count of how many stories I've heard on public radio about Democratic women deciding to vote for Hillary out of guilt.

The Republican party is a mess, absolutely. Conservatives are sorting out what they believe, what heresies they can tolerate and what principles they will not bend on. At times this argument is loud, ugly and unfortunate. But you know what? At least it's an argument about something.

On the Democratic side, if you strip away the crass appeals to identity politics, the emotional pandering and the helium-infused rhetoric, you're pretty much left with a campaign about nothing."

One day young Jonah will mature enough to understand that for many, if not most politicians, it is ONLY about POWER. We Conservatives hold our candidates to certain standards, but the democrats want their gender/ethnicity/race candidate to win because it empowers THEM to empower a representative who looks like them. Take away the women's vote (please) and there'd be little or no talk of entitlements or universal healthcare or legalizing alien invaders because they do, after all, sniff sniff, have families. Take away the blacks vote and we'd never, not in a million years, see a say-nothing, do-nothing candidate who's only claim to fame is the fact that he'd be somewhat good for advertising voice-overs, even come to THINKING about the Presidency.

The Giveaway Gangs have permeated politics for quite a while now, and even true Conservatives politicians are oft times tempted to sweeten the fiscal pot with roads-to-nowhere because even Conservative voters are beginning to believe that this is how to run a country. Not that pork is anything new, but somewhere, somehow, pork used to actually benefit a constituency in some meaningful manner - that's how it all began to begin with. Fighting for one's home roads and bridges and strip malls. The dems long ago switched from asphalt to abortion clinics because they heeded the cries of young women who wanted the fun but not the responsibility of engaging in sexual activities. Each and every day in each and every way the government tells ALL of us what we can and cannot do to, and/or with our own body. But lo and behold the feminine side of the gender decided that THEIR bodies were sacrosanct...and NOT the life that grew within...and they wanted the 'right' to kill such life at will.

Someone came along and empowered them. No matter what latest bloviation comes from the socialist brains of Hillary or Hussein, the bottom line is she's a woman asking other women to become powerful through her, and he's a black asking other blacks to do the same. Race means everything, gender means everything.

That's why, to you and I, they never appear to be talking about much of anything. We want a strong defense, and an adherence to the principles found within the Constitution.

They simply want power.

Can't get it by appealing to us. Hell, I for one cannot even begin to imagine anyone less appealing than Hussein or Hillary, and that includes McCain. McCain at least makes believe he's interested in defending and preserving the Constitution, and at one time laid his life on the line fighting for it.

The H-Gangsta's want us to believe they're qualified simply because of the way they happened to be born.

That, my friends, is not only bigoted, and racist, and sexist, it is so disgusting as to be an abomination to God and nature.

Mankind advances by merit. Unless of course you happen to be a European who believes in kings and queens, or a liberal who believes in Hillary and Hussein.

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