Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Pajamas Media: The Worst Gets Worser

Snoop Dogg or Snoopgate?

Pajamas Media in Los Angeles

Tuesday, December 20, 2005
"The blogosphere is alive with the sound of clicking keyboards over Jonathan Alter's Newsweek column, alleging that President Bush was "so desperate to kill The New York Times' eavesdropping story, he summoned the paper's editor and publisher to the Oval Office. But it wasn't just out of concern about national security." Alter goes on to use the "d-word," referring to the President."

Snoop Dogg or Snoopgate? What in the name of all hells does that mean? Who writes these headlines anyway? And please don't tell me it's one of the Scintillating-70. I mean, better late than never...the PJ's were featuring liberals-on-Mars while the rest of blogdom was foaming at the keyboard over this story...but if you're going to come to the party late at least be dressed for the occasion.

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