Sunday, September 10, 2006

Another Look At The Ethanol Boondoggle: The Greenies...Friends Of Serf And Slave...

And they should be. They've made so very many of them. Brazil is on the verge of becoming a major energy exporter due to it's ever-increasing production of ethanol. Problem is the fact that byproducts such as alkanes are deadly to have around, even with that great big sewer they've been using...called the Amazon. Sugar cane and more sugar cane, then more cane plantations is turning the country, inch by inch, mile by mile, into a land populated by serfs. Still takes more energy to make ethanol then is gleaned from using ethanol, so Brazil buys more oil to make more ethanol because the price of oil from neighboring South American countries is relatively cheap, and they can sell ethanol to the US for big bucks.

Because the Greenies love the stuff. Their ilk started slavery here and have missed it for so very long that they not only had to breed new slaves under the guise of federal handouts, but are now exporting the idea down south. Then when ethanol takes a back seat to the genuine renewable resources that are in the offing, guess where these indentured servants wind up when the plantations begin to disappear?

You got it. On the long trek north.

Brought to you by your friendly neighborhood lefty.

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