Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Bubba's "Global Initiative" Kicks Off In NYC...

"The conference is focused on four main areas: poverty alleviation, mitigating religious and ethnic conflict, energy and climate change, and global public health. Public health is a new addition this year; last year's fourth topic, governance, will be incorporated into all of the discussions, Clinton said."

And in the 8 years he was leader of the free world, what precisely did he do to alleviate the above global concerns?

Not a damned thing. Remember, this is a man who pushed for the right of a sexually violated woman to sue in Federal Court then committed felonies to discredit the woman who accused HIM of rape. We've never seen the likes of this low-life before, not in the Oval Office, and his Global Initiative should be looked upon with nothing but disdain. And/or laughter.

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