Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Memo To Queen Hillary, Princess Nancy, et al...

It worked. Our enemies believe we're the frightened wimps you've portrayed us to be.

So expect MORE acts of terrorism not less, and thanks for spitting on the graves of the fallen.

"One reason for Tehran's "increasing cockiness" is Ahmadinejad's success in convincing the Khomeinist leadership that the United States is in "strategic retreat."

"The American Great Satan is wounded and bleeding," says Hassan Abbasi, Ahmadinejad's strategic advisor." Bush is the last U.S. president to make a stand. And he, too, is weakened by the victory of his enemies [in recent U.S. elections]."

Abbasi believes that the Islamic Republic should adopt "pre-emptive discouragement" to break the will of the American leaders that will succeed Bush. "If we break Bush, no other American leader would have the heart to defy Islam," he says."

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