Thursday, January 04, 2007

Okay: "You're A Crazy Liberal Or Something"

Happy now, you clueless witch?

OCEAN CITY, Md. (AP) - "The Ocean City Council approved a measure on Wednesday that will allow retired police officers to carry concealed handguns.

The Council acted, at the request of the police department, to accept the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004.

"I know this was a congressional law that was passed, but I don't want to rubber stamp it," Council Secretary Nancy Howard said. "I guess just call me a crazy liberal or something, but I think there are enough guns out there." Howard and Councilwoman Margaret Pillas voted against the order."

Ocean City is a toilet. And they cannot stop outside retired LE members from carrying in the dump they laughingly refer to as a city, so to placate their feeble liberal mindset they penalize homegrown cops.

And guess what? Yeah, you're smarter than you look. Violent crime is way high in Ocean City.

Personal crime risk, Alachua suburbs (Casa Messenger), where any law abiding citizen that wishes to may carry a weapon: 57

Personal crime risk, Ocean City, where not even retired cops may carry a weapon: 409

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