Saturday, January 13, 2007

The Paper Of Record Plays Dumb When A Boxer Sucker Punches...

January 13, 2007 -- "The White House denounced the remarks as "outrageous" and "tacky." Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said she found it all "a bit confusing." Former Rep. Elizabeth Holtzman - as fiercely partisan an anti-war liberal Democrat as you can find - said the statement was flat-out wrong.

But there wasn't a single word about it in The New York Times.

No, as far as the nation's putative paper of record is concerned, Sen. Barbara Boxer's over-the-top personal assault on Rice - the most dramatic moment of the hours-long grilling to which the secretary was subjected by Senate Democrats - didn't even happen.

What if, a dozen years ago, a prominent conservative Republican senator had challenged then-Attorney General Janet Reno's decision to assault the Branch Davidian complex at Waco - during which 76 people, including 17 young children, burned to death - by noting that she had no empathy because she had no husband or children?"

And if all you know about the Waco raid came from the NY Times...

"An FBI spokesman explained to a reporter why BATF agents would not have identified themselves, "you don't want to give these guys a chance to get their guns. In Waco, there was no announcement of who was there and the fact they're there for the lawful purpose of executing a warrant." It is obvious from Koresh's 911 conversation that even though he had heard it was BATF that was about to raid him, and even though he answered the front door himself, a half hour after the raid he was still confused about who was attacking him and why. He told Lieutenant Larry Lynch of the Sheriff's office, alluding to past talks with the office, "We told you we wanted to talk. No. How come you guys try to be ATF agents?"

Yes, there's no end to the outrageous duplicity practiced by moonbats. Reno got away with murder. Rice is harangued for being childless. Prisoners at Guantanimo are treated like visiting royalty. The Branch Davidians were slaughtered for practicing their faith while daring to operate a legal firearms business.

Think about it. Clinton let bin Laden go but was sanguine about the killing of 86 (not 72) Americans who had not committed ANY crime. His "wife" gets the job, then believe me brothers and sisters, we ain't seen nothing yet.

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