Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Stop The ACLU Is Back Online...

"The ACLU is arguing before a federal appeals court that the United States is funding AIDS prevention unconstitutionally. Specifically, they argue that having a ban on funds to organizations that promote commercial sex work inhibits free speech. It should be no surprise that the ACLU is in bed with those who want to legalize prostitution.

It is true that advocating the legalization of prostitution is free speech. That doesn’t mean that such speech needs to be funded by the government. As much as some like to think otherwise, Uncle Sam isn’t an ATM machine for every special interest. The old saying goes, “He who pays the piper calls the tune.” If one doesn’t like the government’s rules, don’t take the government’s money.

More importantly though is that the advocacy for legalized prostitution and AIDS prevention are mutually exclusive. One cannot support the reduction of AIDS infections and support legal prostitution at the same time. Prostitution remains one of the leading vectors for AIDS infection. This is true in the case of both legal and illegal prostitution.

Prostitutes, because of their many partners, have a greatly increased risk of exposure to HIV. They are likewise able to spread HIV to many other partners. While a promiscuous society can approach a similar infection rate, prostitution is a leading avenue of spreading HIV. While on its face condoms seem like they could prevent the spread of AIDS, the trust is that they don’t. HIV infection rates increase in countries that have condom distribution programs. Abstinence programs, on the other hand, has been shown in Uganda to reduce AIDS infections. The simple truth is that when one only has sex with one’s spouse, the risk of AIDS exposure approaches zero.

The redefinition of prostitution as “commercial sex work” is just an attempt to legitimize sex trafficking. It should come as no surprise the ACLU and Planned Parenthood have signed on. While both groups are considered “pro-woman”, it is odd that they support an industry of flagrant abuse of women. Planned Parenthood in the United States has even been shown to enable to abuse of little girls.

There are a multitude of studies to show the high level of abuse that prostitutes suffer (see a few here). Women are literally bought and sold as property. The incidence of drug addiction is high among women, partially explaining why they became prostitutes to begin with.

The argument for legalization goes something like this. Prostitution will happen anyway but legalization and regulation will help stem the abuses. The argument has 50,000 foot appeal. Using the same logic, slavery (which still exists in many places) should be legalized so underground slaves can be given some measure of human rights. The fact that the ACLU and the bevy of left-wing international groups don’t argue for the legalization of slavery shows the logical inconsistency of their position..."

It's typical of virtually any liberal organization to champion and/or promote prostitution under the guise of freedom of this or that, and truth be told I'd hazard a guess that a great many men would favor legalizing sex-for-pay, regardless of their political affiliation.

I've no use for them, do not frequent them, and except for the disease-dirty-end-of-the-stick factor, could care less. About prostitutes, I mean, not liberals. Well, liberals too. Not that I want to see sleazy street walkers on every corner, but what grown-ups do behind closed doors is none of my business, and it's always seemed a bit sordid that the government hires people to entrap men and women who offer these services.

As long as there's a single politician alive, there'll be someone selling their body and soul so why they pick on whores is beyond me.

Can't stand the competition?

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