Wednesday, October 17, 2007


by George Will

"SCHIP is described as serving "poor children" or children of "the working poor." Everyone agrees that it is for "low-income" people. Under the bill that Democrats hope to pass over the president's veto on Thursday, states could extend eligibility to households earning $61,950. But median U.S. household income is $48,201. How can people above the median income be eligible for a program serving lower-income people?"

Because, George, its same-old, same-old when it comes to dummycratic politicians. If you can't break the door down, then keep leaning on it until it eventually caves.

They want universal, government-sponsored heathcare for people who really do not like working all that much, and/or have better things to do with their cash then spend it on something as frivolous as their health. The vast majority of Americans are against even more funding for the likes of illegal aliens and the sub-species that our dummycrats do so adore, so to placate Ma and Pa Kettle the dems say that its...prepare yourself, this is a new one...for THE CHILDREN, THE CHILDREN.

Children up to the ages of 25, and families earning ABOVE the average household income.

Thats so they can spend their monies on big-screen TV's, and pimped-rides, and all that other stuff that folks used to spend their DISPOSABLE income on. And they'll fund such programs...

With OUR disposable incomes. Step, by step, inch by inch, they try to erode our ability to fight such largess, wear us down until every last wetback has access to all the cosmetic surgery he or she needs to feel welcome.

20 years ago, it would have worked, too.

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