Monday, November 19, 2007

National Ammo Day

Seattle resident Chris Pierce had left Butch's Gun Shop on Sunday and was heading for the countryside in North Bend to fire rounds when he heard about National Ammo Day.

"I think it's a great idea. It sends the message that firearms aren't going away," he said. "You can't take out one part of the Constitution without ruining all of it."

The thought of Monday as National Ammo Day, a period dedicated to buying bullets to support the Second Amendment, might send shivers down the backs of some Seattle residents.

But Second Amendment supporters are encouraging law-abiding gun owners to buy 100 rounds Monday to back manufacturers, gun stores and ranges.

"It's important to have this right for self-defense to defend your family and property. It also protects people's right to go hunting," said Mark Taff, executive director of the Bellevue-based Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

"As a last resort, it protects us against tyranny from our government."

The amendment, he added, is worthless unless supporters have bullets and places to shoot.

The group's chairman is Alan Gottlieb, who started the Second Amendment Foundation.

While many gun owners are preparing to part with their cash, a Washington CeaseFire spokeswoman said the day should have a different emphasis.

"As we approach Thanksgiving, we would better benefit from responsible firearms owners reminding the public of the importance of safe firearm storage," group executive director Kristen Comer said.

"The safest place for firearms ... is locked and out of reach of children and others who might otherwise place themselves in danger."

She said she believes responsible gun owners are not in jeopardy of losing access to firearms and bullets.

A spokesman for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in Seattle said his agency has no position on National Ammo Day.

To mark it, Taff plans to buy 100 rounds and fire them at a Bellevue range.

While Monday marks the sixth annual National Ammo Day, Taff heard about it only recently.

He was not concerned that criminals would use the day to clear ammunition shelves and then commit robberies.

"They could do that any day of the week," he said. "Criminals aren't going to obey any law."

Outside Butch's, a North Seattle business, Pierce said his father and grandfather introduced him to firearms.

"It's just a hobby," the 21-year-old said. "But it's about defense, defense of the homeland."

He said he abhors the name "assault weapon" and prefers "homeland defense" rifle to describe his semi-automatic AR-15. He also has a 9 mm handgun.

On Sunday, he spent about $60 on 80 rounds. On Monday, he said he plans to buy 100 rounds.

"People should be exercising their rights," said his friend Justin Fuzi, 24, of Seattle. "This is one we shouldn't be losing."

Pierce realized that critics, especially in Seattle, might disagree about owning and using firearms, but "what we do is defend their right for them to say what they want about us."


Second Amendment: A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

First off, who the hell cares WHAT the servants think about National Ammo Day. How utterly lame would it be to ask an ATF employee's opinion on anything but the chances of the Patriots going 16-0, or how about those Jets sticking it to the Steelers on Sunday? The only thing I want to hear from a public servant about my rights is "yessir, we're working really hard to protect them for you."

And as far as Kriston-Soccer-Mom telling me where I should keep my guns...hold on a sec..

Just as I thought. I double checked to be sure and she isn't MY mom so she can go whine to someone who gives a shit about what some lamebrained gun-grabber has to say.

But you know what, Kriston? You're damned right I'm not going to lose access to ammunition, or cartridges, but I don't roll my own so there isn't a need for bullets. Were someone to try and remove such access I'd be dead anyway once the smoke cleared, and dead men don't worry either so it's win-win.

Questions, Lady?

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