Sunday, February 17, 2008

Rodham Does Things The Clinton Way

"Barack and Michelle Obama released their tax returns last year.

In the fall, Sen. Clinton said she would release hers "next year."

After Super Tuesday, Clinton revealed the personal loan made in January - about the same time Bill Clinton ended a business relationship that left him with a golden parachute of some $20 million.

Obama quite rightly asked where the tax returns were. Clinton replied that she'd release them once she won the nomination.

Translation: Sen. Clinton believes that Democratic primary voters deserve less information on her personal finances than do voters in the general election. (Assuming, of course, that she'll honor her pledge if she does win the Democratic nod.)

Now, secrecy is a marital asset with the Clintons. Bill has been just as evasive about the full list of donors to his Clinton Foundation.

These questions must be asked, for the Clintons have both a long history of questionable - if not illegal - fund-raising and a proven capacity for general obfuscation."

Hillary Rodham...last anyone heard she never really did officially change her last name to Clinton by the way...will reveal such information the day after John Kerry releases his military service record.

The 12th of Never.

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