Thursday, May 18, 2006

And Now For A Word From Ann Coulter About Illegal Amnesty Thingamajigers

At least Bush has dropped his infernal references to slacker Americans when talking about illegal immigrants. In his speech Monday night, instead of 47 mentions of "jobs Americans won't do," Bush referred only once to "jobs Americans are not doing" — which I take it means other than border enforcement and intelligence-gathering at the CIA. For the record, I'll volunteer right now to clean other people's apartments if I don't have to pay taxes on what I earn.

Also, someone must have finally told Bush that the point about America being a "nation of immigrants" is moronic. All nations are "nations of immigrants" — as Peter Brimelow pointed out brilliantly in his 1992 article in National Review on immigration, which left nothing for anyone else to say (Time to Rethink Immigration? ).

Of the "nation of immigrants" locution, Brimelow says: "No discussion of U.S. immigration policy gets far without someone making this helpful remark. As an immigrant myself, I always pause respectfully. You never know. Maybe this is what they're taught to chant in schools nowadays, a sort of multicultural Pledge of Allegiance. ... Do they really think other nations sprouted up out of the ground?"
Um, as a matter of fact, Ann, some peoples do believe just that, or aren't you on the mailing list for the memo from every American Indian organization everytime someone mentions Asians and the Bering Land Bridge in the same breath?

The myths of Europe and the Middle East are replete with sprouted-froms, but that's really not important now. Myths are only important when arguing about where it's okay to post a Commandment, because DNA can prove from whence a people REALLY cameth.

Every Italian, Russian, Asian, Black, Spanish, or Irish-American...just to list the major criminal organizations in the country...involved in crime, could be considered an illegal immigrant according to the nut cases that say it's okay to be a criminal and live here because after all, who else would we turn to for bank robbers, loan sharks, pimps, and your average run-of-the-mill street ganger, when law-abiding citizens don't like doing those jobs?

When will kidnappers apply for amnesty? Rapists? Pedophiles? Sodomites?

Wait. The ACLU has got all that covered and is working on it already.

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