Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Can't Win 'Em All...News From The NRA

Victories are sweet, but defeat must be reckoned with and the fight begun anew.

DID NOT PASS -- SB-206/HB-129 Firearms/Parking Lots/Motor Vehicles -- by Sen. Durell Peaden (R-Crestview) and Rep. Dennis Baxley (R-Ocala) To prohibit businesses from searching private vehicles and banning firearms in private vehicles in public parking lots. DID NOT PASS. WILL BE BACK NEXT YEAR.

Little birdies are spreading the word that some conservative congress critters in Florida are none too keen in passing such a bill right out of the gate, but have promised that this time next year it'll be a done deal. I can sympathize with them...hey, they have to get election assistance from somewhere...and when the Wal-Marts and the Lowes, and most of the other big box stores are putting up a stink, then it's up to grassroots organizations as well as private citizens to let these businesses know that if their attitudes don't soon change they'll be looking for different customers.

I sent more letters and emails that can be remembered, but I guess it wasn't enough so I'll try harder, too.

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