Friday, May 19, 2006

Fridays Look At Bob Park...

As do many prominent science writers, Bob Park takes some exception that dueling mythologies are kvetching about The Da Vinci Code. Any regular reader of Messenger knows full well that we believe there are enough worhippers to go around, be they devotees of bad fiction or transmutationalists. Anyone assured of the fact that his knowledge is supreme doesn't kneejerk whenever a new thought comes to town. It's those fearful of losing neverland who complain, but then again, they certainly have the right to their opinion as well.

As long as opinion and fact don't crossbreed, who cares.

"Scientists understand how the church and the historians feel. After all, science-fiction writers have been stealing our themes for years, and portraying us as Dr. Strangeloves. And if we're the good guys, they get the physics wrong, like in Chain Reaction, where cold fusion works..."

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