Saturday, May 06, 2006

With apologies to Dennis the Peasant and others who've never had to run for their life from peaceful moslems:

From Pat's Place:

Tammy Bruce: Have you seen a Koran which was accurately translated into English?

Dr. Wafa Sultan: No! Whenever I read the Koran in English, they say, for example, "fight," when the correct translation is "kill." For example, "Life is fighting."

A day after teaching me how to say "La howla wa la qoo-ata illa billah."*, someone who had once called me friend helped hack a Brit I was with to pieces because the leader of a demonstration wanted to make an example of Westerners. I was learning how to be respectful to moslems, so was George for that matter, but nothing matters when a mullah issues a directive.

Islam IS a government as well as a religion. The mullahs make the call for EVERYTHING. As soon as the world starts believing the truth, the sooner civilization can at long last rid itself of this monstrous cult.

*"There is no strength nor power but in Allah."


Lemuel Calhoon said...

Tell that story on an elite college campus.

Fits said...

They'd prolly stone ya to death with pamphlets preaching "UNDERSTANDING".

Joubert said...

I used to wonder why Islam never had a reformation like Christianity. Now I know - there's nothing to reform. The Koran is too sick and twisted to straighten out. There's no good in it to be gotten at. It's pure crap through and through. Fortunately a lot of young Muslims are questioning.