Thursday, September 07, 2006

On To Politics...

And who better exemplifies the modern connotation than Blowjob Willy?

September 7, 2006 -- WASHINGTON — "A furious Bill Clinton is warning ABC that its mini-series "The Path to 9/11" grossly misrepresents his pursuit of Osama bin Laden — and he is demanding the network "pull the drama" if changes aren't made."

And how strange is this that the above teaser can be found at the NY Post, but clicking into the story finds it missing? Weird stuff.

Anyway, the rumnors have been swirling about how the dress-stainer is fit to be tied over ABC's mini-series, and ANYTHING that pisses William Jefferson Clinot off, MUST be true and good. Let's hope that ABC doesn't cave.

I've omitted a link because it takes you nowhere, but if they manage to get the full story back online I'll edit this posting to include one.


"Still nothing going with the link, but here's another story featuring some meat and potatoes about the minseries itself.

"It's hard to argue with the movie's depiction of the Muslim terrorists as backward, primitive psychotics who emerge from the squalor and ignorance of the Arab world with their black eyes aglow at the thought of murdering thousands of innocents.

Almost as damning, however, is the depiction of various members of the Clinton administration - particularly National Security Adviser Sandy Berger (played by Kevin Dunn) and Secretary of State Madeline Albright (Shirley Douglas).

They were in power for seven of the eight years covered in the miniseries and it was their hesitancy to act decisively at key moments, according to the film, that allowed the terrorists to gain strength."

Yes. No shit, Sherlock. Clinton looked upon this as a law enforcement problem, just as most liberal democrats do, and gutted the military's capability to respond. Senior members of the Armed Services despised the man and his administration. Osama bin Laden was in our crosshairs on several occassions and we let him go, as there was there was to be NO military response to the WTC attacks of '93. Ms Mugly, otherwise known as Madeline Albright, fought tooth and nail to allow diplomatic efforts to prevail over strategic military ones, and her stall and beg tactics lent credence to the axiom that at times war is never a solution, it is THE solution.

And these are the type of do-nothing cretins that the left wishes to see rise to power once more. Someone should take a page from the picture of the burning towers that was captioned NEVER AGAIN, and replace the collapsing buildings with a picture of Bill Clinton.

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