Friday, September 15, 2006

An Open Letter To The Pope...

Hey your Holiness, how's it goin'. Me, I'm cool and thanks for asking. I read all about how you pissed off the religion-of-forever-pissed-off camel fuckers, pardon my French, and I'm here to tell you that a lot of us are on your side in this thing. Of course these murdering scum are hiding behind religion so that they can rule the world, I mean, come on now, okay. Have you ever stood next to one of these foul-smelling jackasses? What else do they have to do BUT be ticked at every little thing? They're ugly, stupid, poorly educated, and the only reason we pay the slightest bit of attention to them is because they live over most of the world's oil. Tough deal. Fuck with them too much and it's gas lines galore and the economy going to shit, pardon my French, but fuck with them we MUST or face the consequences down the road. Being them has GOTTA suck big time, so they spend all day weeping over one thing or another but this time it's good to see someone with stonz sticking it right up sandflea barbarian ass, pardon my French.

So hey, you keep up the good work, hear? I've included one of the funny pictures of that pedophile backalley jackoff artist, pardon my French, Mohammed, and it'd be like so freakin cool if you'd print the thing out and had it made into a transfer for one of your Pope outfit robe deals. On the back. Picture it with me okay, there you are, blessing a crowd of people, saying a few prayers with them and all, and then you TURN AROUND.

Be balz to the wall time, pardon my French, wouldn't it? Everyone knows you've got a pair to make King freakin' Kong envious, your Holiness, and trust me on this; it's the right thing to do.

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