Thursday, September 07, 2006

Stop The ACLU Blogburst Thursday

by Jay on 09-06-06 @ 9:05 pm Filed under ACLU, War On Terror, News

"It isn’t suprising that the ACLU were quick to react to Bush’s jaw dropping speech admitting to secret CIA prisons and pushing Congress to pass legislation that would put captured terror suspects under the rule of a military tribunal.


America is a nation dedicated to upholding the rule of law. However, President Bush’s draft proposal for military commissions fails to meet the standards recognized by the Supreme Court in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld. The court held the President’s initial military commission scheme was illegal because it violated Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions, the most basic standards regarding treatment of detainees. The new proposal has nearly all of the same problems, and will eventually be found to be illegal. For example, it would allow a person to be convicted based on secret evidence and would allow the use of evidence obtained as the result of horrific abuse.

Of course the ACLU automatically accuse (sic) the U.S. of using horrific abuse to obtain our evidence without any evidence whatsoever to back that claim up. You can also bet that if one of their terrorist plaintiffs were to go before our court system they would make the claim that any evidence we have against them was obtained through such procedures and argue it was inadmissible. This is only one of hundreds of reasons that Congress needs to pass the legislation the President is requesting so these terrorist creeps, several of which are in the top Al Qaeda chain of command, need to go before a military tribunal. They are not American citizens and we can not afford the dangers involved in allowing them to be represented before the U.S. courts, in all probability represented by the ACLU."

Congress will in all liklihood pass some sort of watered down legislation concerning the handling of terrorists both foreign and domestic. Then groups such as the ACLU will begin the court battles to declare such laws to be unconstitutional. The days of commies hiding in the woodpile are long gone, as they've reached cult status after being embraced by the democratic left, and have traded in their soap box in downtown Manhattan, and Chicago, and LA, for media attention to rival that given to entertainment celebrities. Communists wish to destroy America. Leftwing subversives want to help. This is why organizations such as Stop The ACLU are important.

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