Monday, January 01, 2007

From: Ride Fast & Shoot Straight

Oakland is No. 2 in Kaliforniastan - Guns Blamed

Murders since 2001
"Poor Oaktown is closing in on a record year for homicides. Up about 55% from last year. Approximately 555 in the last 5 years. I wonder how many they don't know about?

They are still blaming the easily obtained 'guns' for their problems. They have run all the gun stores out of town (there are no legal firearm sales in Oakland I am aware of). Although right next door in San Leandro is Trader's, one of the biggest gun shops in Kali.

They've got their gang task forces.
Project Exile.
All the cops they can afford.
Volunteer cops.
Litter Enforcement.
Welfare, free food, free and subsidized housing.
Boy Scout Cops.
Drug intervention programs.
Now they are trying to close as many liquor stores as possible.

So it's not like they aren't trying. Oaktown's biggest problem is the local gov't doesn't trust anyone but themselves. The criminals run the streets. CCW's are only issued to the connected, the rich and powerful. The little guy is on his own." the top map features the murders, and the bottom one, the location of liquor stores. I'd hesitate to inquire as to the ethnicity of the deceased because that would be wrong. Right? All one really needs to know about them is that they are 1.) Poor, 2.) Downtrodden, and 3.) Dead. The fact that the economy is the best it has ever been, and free-passes to schools of higher learning the most widespread, shouldn't enter into the matter. Right?

It isn't the people themselves, it's the bad, bad tools. The gggguns.

This is so cool I might have to make it a sticky.

Thanks to David Codrea and his War on Guns.

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