Friday, January 12, 2007

Lies, Damned Lies, And Harvard Studies...

"AMERICAN states where more people own guns have higher murder rates, including murders of children, researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health have reported...

"Our findings suggest that in the United States, household firearms may be an important source of guns used to kill children, women and men, both on the street and in their homes," said Matthew Miller, assistant professor of health policy and injury prevention, who led the study...

After dividing the states into four groups based on how many households had guns, the researchers found the states in the highest quartile of firearm ownership had overall homicide rates 60 per cent higher than states in the lowest quartile."


As David Codrea avers, household guns and LEGALLY owned guns are two quite disparate categories. David would like to see the homicide rate of the 4 million NRA members, and I'd suggest these gun-grabbing Harvard goons check the number of concealed carry licenses that have been rescinded. That's ANOTHER 4 million PLUS gun owners and I know for a fact that those who are legally licensed to carry commit violent crimes approximately .001% of the time, which makes it a statistical impossibility that those who follow the law are murderers.

The real story is how law-abiding gun owners are, but the grabbers will never, ever, fess up to that.

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