Friday, January 12, 2007

Podhoretz Likes The New Bush Push

"What has happened in the past two months in Washington is really without modern precedent: An overconfident president, assured and comforted by his military leaders that they had the only workable strategy for the war they were waging, found himself brought up short by the facts on the battleground and by the dramatic change in the political landscape at home.

He was left with only a few options.

He could have kept going as he had been, which would have been delusional.

He could have given in to the general despair in Washington and sought a quick exit from Iraq, which would have dishonorable.

Or he could have insisted on a gigantic new commitment of forces to the Iraqi theater, which would either have been unattainable or unsustainable.

What he has done, instead, is to devise and present a practical and workable plan - a plan to reduce violence, enhance security and simultaneously fight more aggressively and bring the Iraqi forces to fight more aggressively as well.

And there is no other option now but defeat."

It is amazing how little the chickenhawks know about warfare. Every setback, minor or major, is viewed by the chairborne commandos as DEFEAT. War is a give then take, win then lose, rollercoaster ride of epic proportions, and not for the weak kneed. Which is precisely why the Dems cannot tolerate it. After all, the French would have long ago surrendered and would be now negotiating with their captors and whats wrong with that? Life goes on and all of this talk about duty and honor is quite silly.

If we unfetter our fighting men we win. If we don't, we lose. Any other "plan" isn't worth the powder to blow it to hell.

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