Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Tossing Crumbs

This toon was found over at Cam Edwards joint. The link to Cam's blog was found at Michelle Malkin's blog, from a posting by someone named Mary Katherine Ham. I've complained that the major conservative bloggers say next to nothing about the war on guns, so what's right is right and I should send kudos Malkin's way, even if she didn't have much to do with what a guest blogger had to say.

Linking us to what Instapundit or any of the other mega-sites are offering on gun control, is providing the Betty Crocker take on the matter when what's needed is the grass roots, straight from the gut version. Vanilla RINO's attract other vanilla RINO's, and when one of THE biggest conservative forums...Little Green Footballs...is anti-gun, the brave thing to do would be to give conservative blogdom a regular peek into whats happening in the trenches, and advice from The Bitch Girls, while somewhat heartening in that a Malkin fill-in would give someone, ANYONE, a nice hit-spree, just doesn't cut the mustard.

We don't need a perky, flavor of the month with a cute twist peek into 2nd Amendment goings on. There's scads of that happening everywhere you turn and it hasn't gotten the message across, not one scintilla. Or maybe they didn't notice the results of the last elections. The same-old, same-old isn't working.

A major platform of the Democrat Party is to stamp null and void on the 2nd Amendment. The fence-sitters who believed themselves to be hardcore Conservatives need a rude awakening or a new name.

How much more must we lose before they arrive at this conclusion.

Are the big blogs doing enough?


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