Monday, May 08, 2006

The hardest language to learn...

Southern black. Hands down. Not that we gave them much of a choice. The Democrat slave lords financed their capture, then when the Republicans set them free, the Dems were back in the game to keep 'em poor, ignorant, and beholding. Hard to ask a man to pull himself up by his bootstraps during the best of times, but especiallly so when he's been told that his reach is too short to begin with, and he'll forever need special assistance.

So can you imagine what bastardized version of English will come out of the Mexican invasion?

What do you figure; proper English all but lost in another 50 years? Just as an exercise, try turning the following southern-black-patois into something with a beaner bent.

"I done aksed dem to look out foh they self."


Lemuel Calhoon said...

Spelled phonetically.

I ass tim, look out joo sef.

Fits said...

Yes. Some I can actually understand and others are not of this earth. And you better...

Be-lee dat.

Joubert said...

"So can you imagine what bastardized version of English will come out of the Mexican invasion?"

It's called Spanglish and is spoken by half the Californians.

I grew up with African English and I guess that made it easier to understand Ebonics.

Fits said...

NYC was a fine place to be born and raised, as there were a few languages out and about. All the kids on my block were mimics to one degree or another, with the good ones going into acting and the really good ones to politics. What amazed us was that there were people who were locked into one mode, and they were the ones we poked fun of most. If you ventured into an Irish neighborhood and couldn't begora your way out, you needed to practice more, and this is one of those 'skills' one learns early or never.

Fits said...

And yes, Lem, I am sorry that my folks didn't spend more time vacationing in the south, as the reality of it all was quite the surprise to me when I ventured out on my own. And I don't mean Florida-South; Florida might be trhe only place you have to go north to reach the real south.

Lemuel Calhoon said...

Florida is great in a lot of ways. Good gun laws, no state income tax, lots of good looking young women who don't wear too much. But bottom line it's too hot, too flat and has too many folks who moved down from the North.