Monday, May 08, 2006

Misha Reviews: The Bird Flu Just In TIme For Sweeps Week...

Well, That Didn’t Take Long

Actually, it took quite a bit longer than we’d expected for one of the networks to decide it was time to cash in on the Avian Flu Hysteria™, but once again they live down to our expectations.
There are times that test humanity and challenge the soul of a community or a nation.

Indeed. We call them “Sweeps Week.”

"News images and headlines tell stories of rising waters, quaking ground and tragic acts by man himself. But the real story, the human story, is found in the lives changed forever, in the strength of the survivors, and the resilient hope that gives them the courage to recover.

…and provides an otherwise totally unremarkable orgy of sensationalist pap with enough “human interest” to drive up ratings.
But of course the Avian Flu is nothing but liberal hornswaglery. Part of the "keep them very frightened" plank in the dummocrats primer of how to get elected when you stand for nothing. When in doubt, make something up, then blame the Republicans for not paying attention to it even when it never comes true, because, hey, you never know.

Sad part about it? It works. Far too well. How ELSE can you explain The Daily Kos? Hillary Clinton being even remotely electable? The Kennedys? John Fucking Kerry?

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