Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Mexico Threatens To Sue...

From Stop The ACLU...

"Mexico said Tuesday that it would file lawsuits in U.S. courts if National Guard troops on the border become directly involved in detaining migrants.

Mexican border officials also said they worried that sending troops to heavily trafficked regions would push illegal migrants into more perilous areas of the U.S.-Mexican border to avoid detection."
Yes, they've got balls, these beaners. Take a step back, just for a moment, now. Imagine the free for all were this to happen with Ronnie as President. Now, George has overseen a marvelous job of protecting us from the moslem menace, but perhaps his Texas roots are showing. The...give up your guns, hire cheap labor...modern version of Texas. That, or he knows something we don't. Some inside peek into what the nation is REALLY thinking.

Ronnie would be making a speech at some factory, he loved speaking to the man on the street, and his finger would be on the American pulse without interference from advisors. Polls, schmolls; he knew what the folks wanted. And I do not believe that he'd be listening to such folderol from the Mehicanos without tossing it back in their face. Not that HE did much about illegal immigration, but it was a different era, his hands were just as full as George's, and comparing now and then is apples and oranges, but what I'm getting at is the man in the big chair. George honestly seems to think that this is something of a tempest in a paella pot, and therein might be the difference in the two men.

Reagan would think of what the people wanted. George exudes an aura of knowing what's best for us.

But back to the beaners. The piddling amount of National Guardsmen isn't going to secure the border, nor make it all THAT more difficult for the criminals to continue their invasion, and while I'm all for dealing with an ally in a polite manner, I'd have to consider calling Zorro and telling him that this was NOT negotiable. It is, after all, OUR land these bozo's are treading upon, and if they continue to do so we'll continue to turn up the heat.

One way or another, Americans want this safety valve for Mexico shut down. Past time for them to deal with the problem, and if their people rebel, then they rebel. It's bad enough that Castro sent us HIS dregs, we really don't need any more, thank you very much.

Lawsuits? In US courts? On what grounds? Illegally foiling an invasion? Will the UN help them?

Now wouldn't THAT be something to talk about.

Our Favorite Wanker's Take
Hilbilly Hullabaloo Over Mehico George
And I've Already Linked To What Pat Had To Say But Who's Counting

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