Wednesday, June 07, 2006

And To Be Fair And Balanced...

Which is just a buzzterm to describe a fence-sitting-arse, but here's a gaggle of gals what thinks Ann C. is the bees knees:

"Leave it to Ann Coulter to put Matt Lauer in his place and prove what an idiot he really is.

Here's just one example:

Lauer starts with:

"David Gregory said if you ask people what they care about they say Iraq and gas prices. Gay marriages are way down on the list, but that's what the president is talking about and what the Senate is taking up. Why?"

Coulter pops right back:

"I don't know what people are talking about or how David Gregory knows that. But I do know that gay marriage amendments have been put on the ballots in about 20 states now and passed by far larger numbers than Bush won the election by."

Oh more example....

Lauer throws out:

"Here's how E.J. Dionne puts it in the Washington Post: 'The Republican party thinks its base of social conservatives is a nest of dummies who have no memories and respond like bulls whenever red flags are waved in their faces.' Do you agree with that?

Coulter: "That the base are dummies or that Bush thinks that?"

Lauer: "That he can wave a red flag and they will run to the polls to respond to him?"

Coulter: "They don't need to respond to him. He's not running again."

Lauer: "They want the voters to turnout in the mid-term elections. They don't want to lose control of the congress."

Coulter: "Maybe they want to do what the voters want. Whatever you can say about whether or not Bush has a mandate, the mandate against gay marriage is pretty strong. It passed by like 85 percent in Mississippi. Even in Oregon, and that was the state that the groups supporting gay marriage fixated on and outspent their opponents by like 40:1, it passed even there. There is a mandate against gay marriage."

Lauer: "Do you think George Bush in his heart really cares strongly about that issue?"

Coulter: "I don't know what anybody cares in his heart."

Lauer: "Would you take a guess?"

Coulter: "I know what Americans think because they keep voting, over and over and over again overwhelmingly they reject gay marriage. So why is that a bad thing for politicians to respond to what is overwhelmingly a mandate?"

I may not agree with everything Ann has to say, but I love how she smacks around the media."
The problem with states mandating their own anti-gay-marriage amendments is the fact that whackadoodle mayors and loony lefty politico's will marry any person, place, or thing, regardless of what the local laws dictate. Would they think twice about commiting a Federal offense? Seems to be the only real way to stop them, but nowadays everything is just so damned hard and trying isn't on a lot of agendas.

Screw the sob sisters:

The willful desecration of an American Flag
Marriage between a man and a woman
English as the official language
Sneaking into the country then hoping Ted Kennedy will send you a pony

ALL of the above need addressing, and the states aren't up to enacting and/or enforcing such measures on anything resembling a consistent basis. We happen to HAVE our own culture, thank you very much Pierre, or Jose, and instead of weeping over WHO should protect it, let's stop the liberal-like whining and show the world what America is. They THINK they've got us right where they want us...infighting to parse the particulars of glib semantics.


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