Thursday, June 08, 2006

Blogburst Thursday

My, how time flies when you've had a heart attack. We once again sup upon the provender Stop The ACLU's Blogburst offers, and this week finds the lads in disagreement with the willingness of liberal courts to overrule the voted upon opposite-sex-ONLY marriage provisions of various state constitutions.

I'll say this until blue in the face because some are hard of reading, but this is THEIR MODUS OPERANDI. Deflect a constitutional amendment by agreeing that it should be a state's prerogative, then shoot down a state law because it lacks coherent punctuation marks.

NOT gonna change. They've been doing this to us for the last millennia or more, and the Loons are predictable to a fault, bless their black little souls, so to erase this nonsense of boy-boy/girl-girl/moslem-camel predilection to honeymoon with the wrong gender/species, we either make it part of the law of the land or forget about it.

Nothing frightens them more than the Feds who can cross state lines to smack such beastialities back to the stone age, or some other dirty place such as France, where they belong. Come on, folks; Bush is gone in a few and Hillary will be replacing TWO of the Supremes with flaming Loons, so keep applying the pressure to your representatives or we're back to fighting the same fight a decade from now when the latest Clinton scourge retires to build yet another library to celebrate the rape of American values.

It's OKAY to proclaim to the world what we stand for. Really. I'll even write a permission slip.

In the interim, hie thee to Stop The ACLU's Blogburst Thursday

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